Step 1
- Call our Client Services Centre or go to one of our regional offices or retail stores.
- Call centre number: 086 1000 542 | 087 378 1159
- Claims fax number: 086 5222 123
- Find your nearest KGA regional office or retail store.
Step 2
Hand in certified copies of the following:
A death certificate issued by the Department of Home Affairs;
The beneficiary’s ID document;
The beneficiary stamped bank statement;
A police report (only if death is due to unnatural causes).
Step 3
Banking details to which the claim pay-out should be deposited into must be supplied.
- Hand in bank statements to confirm banking details of the beneficiary’s bank account
into which the claim must be paid.
- Documents can be emailed to claims@kga.co.za
What is a certified copy?
A certified copy is a photocopy of an original document that has been rubber-stamped and signed by a Commission of Oaths to say that the photocopy is an exact copy of the original and has not been changed in any way. A Commissioner of Oaths is someone who is registered with the government to ‘certify’ documents.
Where can I certify my documents?
At all police stations
Most lawyers